Monday, September 21, 2009

Things I wish I knew before I became a parent!

I wish I knew that after you have a baby, and before your creamy white milk comes in, it first turns a yellowish orange color. I seriously thought I was defective.

I wish I knew that sometimes babies don't poop for two to three days...and that's normal and OK. Poor Chelsea was subjected to many suppositories in her first few weeks of life.

It would have been nice to know how having a new baby in the house takes a real toll on your relationship with your significant other. Boy could we have saved ourselves a lot of heartache...if we knew what to expect....

I wish I knew that I would do more laundry and scrub out more stains then I could ever had imagined...

that potty training is one of the most challenging things I would face in my lifetime...I have seriously cleaned up enough poo in the past two weeks to fill a wheelbarrow.

I wish someone had not lied to me (grin) and told me that the two's were terrible...oh how wrong they were. In truth it should have been called the terrible three's.

I wish I would have known that I would become a single parent...although I don't know how you could prepare for that role.

I wish I would have known that in order to give my fifth child a good life, I would have to give him away...and in that giving away process...a peice of my heart would go with him.

I wish I knew:

that I would sleep less...

shower less...

worry more...

cry harder...

laugh louder...

and love so deep that sometimes it would feel as though my heart could explode.

Yes being a parent is hard, challenging, and sometimes overwhelming...but through all the challenges would I ever turn back? No way, no how. I didn't know I could love so deep and that life would be so much richer. And truth be told, its probably better that I didn't know all those things...because then I wouldn't be surprised when something new came up....and I love surprises...well...not the poopy kind!!


Rhonda Rae said...

I randomly found ur blog but this post scares me are the 3s really worse then the 2s???? Yikes the thought makes me shiver.

M/J Granata said...

Rebekah... You are so cute! Thanks for the post... I will remember these tid bits as I wait to become a "mommy"!!!

Michelle said...

OMGosh, Rebekah! I was reading your story when you were pregnant and lost your link. I've been wondering how you've been. I'm so glad you found me! I love your blog theme now! I am putting you on my blog roll so I don't lose you again! :)

Rebekah said...

Amen! on the enriched life. I couldn't agree more :) We'll see what Mr. Ty has in store for those two and three years!!

LL said...

I love these "wish I knew" posts. They always make me smile.